
Awards for 2020 Heart of Xin Wu Tai
The CFLL announced Award winners for the competition of 2020 Heart of Xin Wu Tai. Three groups from the English department in CEBA program had won the prizes. The top award-winning work is “A Historical and Cultural Trip to Taishan.” The best-audience is “Cultural Tour to Xinzhuang: Wencheng Temple, Chaojiang Temple and Wusheng Temple.” The receiving honorable mention is “A forgotten corner: Lo-Sheng Sanatorium.”
2020 is the first competition of heart of Xin Wu Tai, held by Ministry of Education according to the area of university. Therefore, Leonora Yang, the teacher of the cultural tourism, had encouraged students to attend this game. There were groups signing up for the competition, and each one has a different route about Xinzhuang, Wugu, and Taishan.
“Thank you adjudgment for giving us positive reviews and the honors. We also appreciate that Ms. Leonora Yang provided us the opportunity to participate in the event. Throughout the project, not only did we learn a part of history and culture, but we also learned how many works there are behind a video, how to arrange our jobs, and how to work together.” said Daisy Wang, the leader of the top award-winning work.