

網路報名及上傳應繳資料:5 月 24 日上午 10:00 至年 5 月 31 日下午 5:00 止https://exam.fju.edu.tw/

繳交報名費截止日:113 年 5 月 31 日
放榜:113 年 7 月 15 日
網路成績查詢:113 年 7 月 15 日
正取生線上報到 :113 年 7 月 15 日~17 日

2.英文自傳(300-500 字為限)。
3.英文讀書計畫(500-800 字為限)。
1 分鐘自我介紹及 1~2 分鐘回答問題(題目請見下方Google 表單連結中),需有本人入鏡,內容形式不拘可展現個人特色。

二年級 (請任選兩題回答)

題目一 Have you ever participated in any extracurricular activities? The English Department offers various extracurricular activities, such as play contests, poetry recitations, readers theater, etc. What specific extracurricular activities or events are you most excited about participating in?

題目二  How does entering another learning environment contribute to personal growth and understanding of different perspectives?

題目三 Due to the proactive promotion by the Ministry of Education, many primary and secondary school curricula incorporate SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) objectives. What SDGs projects have you ever participated? And also, in your opinion, what aspects of university English department courses align with the SDGs objectives?

三年級 (請任選兩題回答)

題目一  Can you imagine and describe the world 20 years from now? According to your description of the future world, how would you prepare yourself to be competitive in the next 20 years?

題目二  It is predicted that many jobs will be replaced by AI in the near future, especially in language-related workforces. To beat AI, what are the crucial strengths an English-majored student must possess? How would you plan to acquire some of those strengths?

題目三 Reflect on a time when you challenged a belief or an idea. What prompted your thinking? What was the outcome?

