

網路報名及上傳應繳資料:113年 11 月 26 日上午 10:00 至113年 12 月 2 日下午 5:00 止https://exam.fju.edu.tw/

繳交報名費截止日:113 年 12 月 2 日

放榜:114年 1 月 10 日

網路成績查詢:114 年 1 月 10 日

正取生線上報到 :114 年 1 月 10 日至 13 日


(2)英文自傳 300-500 字(表格請於本系網頁招生資訊下載)。
(3)英文讀書計畫 500-800 字(表格請於本系網頁招生資訊下載)。

(1)影音檔:1 分鐘自我介紹及 2-3 分鐘回答以下問題 (需有本人入鏡,內容形式不拘,可展現個人特色)

二年級 (題目三選二)

題目一 People have their own stories of motivation for choosing their majors. Can you describe what motivated you and how you are motivated to choose English and Literature as your major? Please think about your story of motivation, describe the trigger for your determination with details.

題目二 Can you name one skill that you really want to master but you postpone your learning due to the limit of time? Please name the skill, what it means to you, why you want to learn it, and how you may spare your time to learn it during the college life. (e.g. piano, programming, origami, cooking, photography, painting, another language, etc.)

題目三 In your opinion, do you think the English department should provide more courses to improve students’ English ability or cultivate students’ professional knowledge of English language (teaching, translation, literature, etc.)? How do you think the curriculum of our department meets your expectation?

三年級 (題目三選二)

題目一 How do you think the emergence of AI will change university education? Do you think the importance of having language skills will be weakened by the growth of AI technology? Could you please use your learning experiences as an example to articulate your opinion?

題目二 Can you name one skill that you really want to master but you postpone your learning due to the limit of time? Please name the skill, what it means to you, why you want to learn it, and how you may spare your time to learn it during the college life. (e.g. piano, programming, origami, cooking, photography, painting, another language, etc.)

題目三 In your opinion, do you think the English department should provide more courses to improve students’ English ability or cultivate students’ professional knowledge of English language (teaching, translation, literature, etc.)? How do you think the curriculum of our department meets your expectation?